Archive for the ‘Weekly Updates’ Category

Young Man, Become a Legend Like a Cruel Angel.

April 27, 2011

So, we are apparently some kind of liars.

It's so delicious and moist.

We’ve said we don’t show a show again for at least 3 or so years, but this week…


No meeting 4/15

April 14, 2011

Just as an FYI for everyone…There will NOT be a meeting tomorrow. Hope you all have a great weekend! And if you’re going to Rutgersfest, have fun and stay safe!

JUST WHO DO YOU THINK- Oh, wrong series. I mean, INAZUMA KICK!

April 8, 2011

Apparently, going without a lot of sleep for a week means that at the end of the week, if I even get a tiny chance for sleep, I will go to sleep and keep sleeping for a full night’s worth.

Shut up, alarm clock. You're not the boss of me. I don't have class until 6PM.

Also, I’d been swamped with anxieties and worries and all sorts of nasty stuff throughout the week, so I’d not been able to brainstorm a blog post, but with a full night’s sleep, shouldn’t be a problem.


April 1, 2011

Hey, kids!

Yeah, there haven’t been much updates on this blog, have there?

That should change, we just elected some new officers, including a new webmaster.

In the meanwhile, let me talk about what we’re showing this week.

The uniform almost makes sense in context. Still, I mostly chalk it up to it being Gainax.


February 25, 2011

Courtesy of our good friend, Drew, we will be showing Kamen Rider! Which Kamen Rider shows will we be showing? Dunno, but we’ve got all night, so one can only imagine the epicness of Kamen Rider after Kamen Rider shows. I expect some outstanding HENSHIN! moments, along with some RRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIDDDDAAAAAAAA KIIIIIIIIIIICK!!!

I came to this city to deliver a message…

February 18, 2011

Okay, maybe that’s not completely accurate, but tonight is all about the animes focused on playing children’s card games and making them so overly dramatic, it’s not even funny…or is it? In any case, we will be watching Cardfight Vanguard and Bakugan, along with the Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds OVA. For extra awesomeness, I suggest that members bring their card games and challenge other players…while they’re on their motorcycles.

Also, if we can find it, we may be featuring the dub of Duel Masters. Wait, DUB?! That’s right, dub. While Duel Masters is fairly serious in Japanese with some humor, the American dub is pretty much a parody of the card game anime genre. That is, of course, if we can find a few episodes…

Last “official” meeting of the 2010 semester

December 10, 2010

This Friday will be the last “official” meeting of the JCA for this semester!

We will be having a meeting next week as well, for those who would like to drop by. What we will be showing will be a surprise~

In this post is also the itinerary for Saturday, aka the unoffical JCA trip to NYC!

And, what we will be watching…



December 2, 2010

One of our long time members has this week set up for us!

This week we’ll be watching two classic series from the 90s, Escaflowne and Evangelion.



November 17, 2010

Did you ever have a dream, that upon waking, left you in tears?

Maybe for a life not lived? Perhaps for a road not taken?



April 29, 2010


伝えたい気持ちほど コトバ途切れ途切れで
何も言えないまま いつもホントは不安で


君への思いで世界 埋め尽くしたい
約束の地の果てで も一度会いたい
